
Results of Re-Exam

Written on 25.03.25 by Bernd Finkbeiner

Dear All, The results of the re-exam are now available on your personal status page. If you would like to inspect your exam, please send a quick message to Nico Mansion to arrange for an individual meeting.
That's it for AG&V 2024/25 -- Thanks for a great semester, take care, and see you in some… Read more

Dear All, The results of the re-exam are now available on your personal status page. If you would like to inspect your exam, please send a quick message to Nico Mansion to arrange for an individual meeting.
That's it for AG&V 2024/25 -- Thanks for a great semester, take care, and see you in some other course! -- Bernd Finkbeiner, Vladimir Krsmanovic, Nico Mansion, Mihir Vahanwala

Re-Exam on March 25

Written on 12.03.25 by Bernd Finkbeiner

Dear All, Hope you're having a great semester break! This is a quick reminder that we are offering a re-exam on March 25 and another special office hour on March 24. If you'd like to participate, please be sure to register for the exam via LSF. The exam is independent of the first exam, so you need to… Read more

Dear All, Hope you're having a great semester break! This is a quick reminder that we are offering a re-exam on March 25 and another special office hour on March 24. If you'd like to participate, please be sure to register for the exam via LSF. The exam is independent of the first exam, so you need to register even if you already registered for the exam in February. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. 

  • The exam will take place on Tuesday, March 25, at 10:15 am in HS001 (building E1 3). Please try to arrive a few minutes early.
  • You must be registered via LSF at least a week before the exam. Please let us know immediately if you cannot register for some reason.  
  • We offer a special office hour on Monday, March 24, from 11:00-1:30 pm in the CISPA building E9 1, room 1.07. 
  • You will have 120 minutes to complete the exam.
  • The exam is open book, i.e., you are allowed to use any written or printed material.
  • The content of all lectures and all problem sets (except for the challenge problems) are relevant for the exam. 
  • Please bring your student ID and a black or blue non-erasable pen.

Exam results

Written on 18.02.25 by Bernd Finkbeiner

Dear All, The results of the main exam are now available on your personal status page. The exam inspection will take place on Friday, March 7, 11:00-13:00 in the CISPA building E9 1, room 1.07. Please bring your student ID. Have a great semester break!

Solutions for Mock Exam, Office Hour on Thursday

Written on 11.02.25 by Bernd Finkbeiner

Dear All, the solutions for the mock exam are now available online. Don't look, though, before you've given the mock exam a shot yourself! As a quick reminder, the special office hour will take place on Thursday, February 13,  in the CISPA building E9 1, room 1.07. Please drop by at any time from… Read more

Dear All, the solutions for the mock exam are now available online. Don't look, though, before you've given the mock exam a shot yourself! As a quick reminder, the special office hour will take place on Thursday, February 13,  in the CISPA building E9 1, room 1.07. Please drop by at any time from 12:00-2:30 with any last-minute questions!

Mock exam

Written on 06.02.25 by Bernd Finkbeiner

Dear All, as a "mock exam" to help you prepare for our exam on February 18, please find the exam from the previous iteration of the course in the Materials section. The structure of our exam will be similar to this one. Note that the course contents were slightly different in the previous iteration… Read more

Dear All, as a "mock exam" to help you prepare for our exam on February 18, please find the exam from the previous iteration of the course in the Materials section. The structure of our exam will be similar to this one. Note that the course contents were slightly different in the previous iteration (for example, WS1S was part of the 2022/23 edition, and not covered in 2024/25; S2S and CTL were not covered in 2022/23, but are part of the current edition). Our actual exam will be based on the contents of the current version of the course. Cheers!

The Final Problem Set

Written on 05.02.25 by Bernd Finkbeiner

... is online. See you for one more round of discussions on Friday!

Problem Set 13

Written on 29.01.25 by Bernd Finkbeiner

... and the warm-up questions are ready. Cheers!

Problem Set 12, Exam Info

Written on 21.01.25 by Bernd Finkbeiner

Dear All, Problem Set 12 and the warm-up questions are online. I'd also like to give you a few details regarding the exam on February 18. Don't hesitate to let us know if you have any questions or concerns. See you on Friday!

  • The exam will take place on Tuesday, February 18, at 10:15 am in… Read more

Dear All, Problem Set 12 and the warm-up questions are online. I'd also like to give you a few details regarding the exam on February 18. Don't hesitate to let us know if you have any questions or concerns. See you on Friday!

  • The exam will take place on Tuesday, February 18, at 10:15 am in HS001 (building E1 3). Please try to arrive a few minutes early.
  • You must be registered via LSF at least a week before the exam. Please let us know immediately if you cannot register for some reason.  
  • We plan to offer a special office hour on Thursday, February 13, from 12:00-2:30 pm.  Feel free to drop by at any time during this office hour with your last-minute questions before the exam.
  • You will have 120 minutes to complete the exam.
  • The exam is open book, i.e., you are allowed to use any written or printed material.
  • The content of all lectures and all problem sets (except for the challenge problems) are relevant for the exam. 
  • Please bring your student ID and a black or blue non-erasable pen.

Problem Set 11, Course Evaluation

Written on 15.01.25 by Bernd Finkbeiner

Dear All, Problem Set 11 and the latest set of warm-up questions are now online. In the Materials section, you will also find the link to the Qualis website for the course evaluation. We are excited to hear whether you liked the course! Thanks a lot for your time and effort, your comments are highly… Read more

Dear All, Problem Set 11 and the latest set of warm-up questions are now online. In the Materials section, you will also find the link to the Qualis website for the course evaluation. We are excited to hear whether you liked the course! Thanks a lot for your time and effort, your comments are highly appreciated. See you on Friday!

Happy New Year!

Written on 07.01.25 by Bernd Finkbeiner

The first problem set and warm-up questions of 2025 are online! Enjoy and see you on Friday!

Happy Holidays!

Written on 17.12.24 by Bernd Finkbeiner

Dear All, There are no discussion sessions and no problem set this week, the next course meeting will be the lecture on Tuesday, January 7. We wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a great start into the New Year 2025! See you in January!

Problem Set 9

Written on 10.12.24 by Bernd Finkbeiner

... and the warm-up questions are ready. Have fun!

Problem Set 8 and warm-up questions

Written on 04.12.24 by Bernd Finkbeiner

.. are online. Cheers!

Problem Set 7 and warm-up questions

Written on 26.11.24 by Bernd Finkbeiner

...have been published. Have fun and see you on Friday!

Problem Set 6 and warm-up questions

Written on 20.11.24 by Bernd Finkbeiner

... are online. Apologies for the delay. Enjoy! 

Problem Set 5 and warm-up questions

Written on 13.11.24 by Bernd Finkbeiner

Problem Set 5 and the warm-up questions for Friday are online. Enjoy!

Problem Set 4 and warm-up questions

Written on 05.11.24 by Bernd Finkbeiner

Problem Set 4 and the warm-up questions for Friday are available for download. As usual, please let us know in case you cannot make it. See you on Friday!

Problem Set 3 online

Written on 29.10.24 (last change on 29.10.24) by Bernd Finkbeiner

Dear All, The third problem set is available online. Please note that you can now also submit your solutions online via CMS (submitting problem set solutions is not mandatory but very much recommended). Since there are no discussion sessions this week, the next set of warm-up questions will appear… Read more

Dear All, The third problem set is available online. Please note that you can now also submit your solutions online via CMS (submitting problem set solutions is not mandatory but very much recommended). Since there are no discussion sessions this week, the next set of warm-up questions will appear next week. Enjoy the holiday this Friday!

Discussion sessions start this Friday

Written on 22.10.24 by Bernd Finkbeiner

Dear All, The first set of warm-up questions and the second problem set are now available in the "Materials" section. You should see your assigned discussion session on your personal status page. Please check and let us know if your assignment is missing or if the time slot does not work for you. We… Read more

Dear All, The first set of warm-up questions and the second problem set are now available in the "Materials" section. You should see your assigned discussion session on your personal status page. Please check and let us know if your assignment is missing or if the time slot does not work for you. We start this Friday (Oct 25). In-person sessions will meet in my office in the CISPA building E9 1, room 1.08; if your session is online, we'll send you a Zoom link by e-mail. Please answer the warm-up questions before the session and bring your answers with you. See you on Friday!

Please book your discussion session!

Written on 15.10.24 by Bernd Finkbeiner

Dear All, Thanks for a great first course meeting today! The first problem set is now available in the "Materials" section. Also, please book the time slot for your discussion session at Please make your choice by the end of the week (20.10.2024,… Read more

Dear All, Thanks for a great first course meeting today! The first problem set is now available in the "Materials" section. Also, please book the time slot for your discussion session at Please make your choice by the end of the week (20.10.2024, 23:59).
If you want to attend the discussion session together with somebody else, then form a team and one team member answers the poll by listing the names of all team members and your preferred time slots. (A comma separated list of last names is enough.) If none of the offered time slots work for you, or if you run into any other problems, please let us know. The first discussion sessions will take place on Oct 25. The first office hour is already on Oct 16. See you soon!

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Automata, Games, and Verification

The theory of automata over infinite objects provides a succinct, expressive, and formal framework for reasoning about reactive systems, such as communication protocols and control systems. Reactive systems are characterized by their nonterminating behavior and persistent interaction with their environment. In this course we will study the main ingredients of this elegant theory and its application to automatic verification (model checking) and program synthesis.

The course is addressed to students interested in the theoretical concepts to analyze reactive systems using automata over infinite words, automata over infinite trees, and two-player games. The course continues on the topics of the core lecture “Verification”, the Verification lecture is not, however, a prerequisite for the AG&V course.


  • Automata over infinite words and trees (omega-automata)
  • Infinite two-player games
  • Logical systems for the specification of nonterminating behavior
  • Transformation of automata according to logical operations


  • Lectures are every Tuesday from 14:15-16:00 in building E1.3, room HS003 (starting on October 15th).
  • Every Tuesday, we publish a new problem set and a new set of "warm-up" (multiple-choice) questions.
  • Every Friday, there are 10-minute discussion sessions (starting on October 25th).
  • We will arrange individual discussion sessions for groups of at most three people. They will be held either in person at CISPA C0 building (E9.1) in rooms 1.07 and 1.08, or if needed online. While the in-person option is the preferred one, there will be an online option available, depending on specific needs.
  • Please bring your solutions to the warm-up questions to the discussion sessions. We will discuss them and any questions you may have about the content of the lectures.
  • Attendance to the 10-minute discussion sessions is mandatory. You are allowed to skip at most two sessions in case you cannot make it once or twice. Otherwise, If you encounter any other issues in attending the slot, please contact us as soon as possible.
  • Problem sets can be submitted at the beginning of the next lecture after the one where they were given out. The solutions to the problem set will be handed in the week following their publishing.
  • Submitting problem set solutions is not mandatory
  • Office hours are every Wednesday in CISPA C0 building (E9.1) in room 1.07 (starting in the second week of the lecture) from 11:00 until 13:00. Feel free to come and go whenever you like during these two hours.
  • During the office hours, you can inspect your corrected solutions and ask questions regarding the problem set, your solution, or the lecture.
  • Grade: The grade will be determined only by the grade of the exam. Participation in the weekly discussion sessions is a requirement for admission to the exam. 
  • Exams: The exam will take place on February 18, 2025, at 10:00 am; the re-exam on March 25, 2025, at 10:00 am.

Recommended reading

  • Lecture notes are available under Materials.
  • Automata Theory: An Algorithmic Approach, by Javier Esparza and Michael Blondin, MIT Press. Available from the publisher and open access as a free pdf.
  • Automata, Logics, and Infinite Games, by Erich Grädel, Wolfgang Thomas, and Thomas Wilke (editors), Springer Verlag. Available from the publisher as a free pdf from the UdS network/VPN.
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