
Delayed presentation

Written on 16.03.21 by Antoine Joux

The following presentation that was delayed will take place tomorrow:

March 17th, 2021

10:30 : Randomized / probabilistic algorithms --- Macean, Krisztian



If it is possible for you, please attend the presentation in the usual zoom room.


Timetable for the second presentations (updated)

Written on 18.01.21 (last change on 16.03.21) by Antoine Joux

The second presentations will be on January 25th and February 1st, according to the following schedule:

January 25th, 2021:

14:00 : Sort algorithms  --- Karim, Assiri Nassirou

14:30 : P versus NP  --- Meyer, Joshua

15:00 : Computation models --- Hennen, Pascal

15:30 : Graph algorithms… Read more

The second presentations will be on January 25th and February 1st, according to the following schedule:

January 25th, 2021:

14:00 : Sort algorithms  --- Karim, Assiri Nassirou

14:30 : P versus NP  --- Meyer, Joshua

15:00 : Computation models --- Hennen, Pascal

15:30 : Graph algorithms --- Bäumel, Tanja


February 1st, 2021

14:00 : Interactive proofs  --- Seyler, Luc

14:30 : GCD algorithms --- Wagmann, David


March 17th, 2021

10:30 : Randomized / probabilistic algorithms --- Macean, Krisztian

Timetable for the first presentations

Written on 16.11.20 by Antoine Joux

The first presentations will be on December 7th and 14th, according to the following schedule:

December 7th, 2020:

14:00 : Computing with Circuits --- Kaufmann, Jonas

14:30 : Randomized / probabilistic algorithms --- Macean, Krisztian

15:00 : Sort algorithms  --- Karim, Assiri… Read more

The first presentations will be on December 7th and 14th, according to the following schedule:

December 7th, 2020:

14:00 : Computing with Circuits --- Kaufmann, Jonas

14:30 : Randomized / probabilistic algorithms --- Macean, Krisztian

15:00 : Sort algorithms  --- Karim, Assiri Nassirou

15:30 : Computation models --- Hennen, Pascal


December 14th, 2020:

14:00 : Graph algorithms --- Bäumel, Tanja

14:30 : Interactive proofs  --- Seyler, Luc

15:00 : GCD algorithms --- Wagmann, David

15:30 : P versus NP  --- Meyer, Joshua


Topic assignation

Written on 09.11.20 by Antoine Joux

Following our meeting today, the topics have been assigned as follows:

Topic A : Computation models --- Hennen, Pascal

Topic B : P versus NP  --- Meyer, Joshua

Topic C: Randomized / probabilistic algorithms --- Macean, Krisztian

Topic D : Interactive proofs  --- Seyler, Luc

Topic E :… Read more

Following our meeting today, the topics have been assigned as follows:

Topic A : Computation models --- Hennen, Pascal

Topic B : P versus NP  --- Meyer, Joshua

Topic C: Randomized / probabilistic algorithms --- Macean, Krisztian

Topic D : Interactive proofs  --- Seyler, Luc

Topic E : Sort algorithms  --- Karim, Assiri Nassirou

Topic F : Computing with Circuits --- Kaufmann, Jonas

Topic G : Graph algorithms --- Bäumel, Tanja

Topic H : GCD algorithms --- Wagmann, David

Topic I : Polynomial multiplication --- Unassigned

Topic J : Primality testing --- Unassigned

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