
Next Seminar on 03.01.2024

Written on 28.12.2023 10:32 by Mang Zhao

Dear All,

The next seminar(s) take place on 03.01.2024 at 14:00 (Session A). Please note that there will be only one session.

Session A: (14:00-15:00)
Parthipan Ramesh, Niklas Britz

Meeting-ID: 967 8620 5841
Kenncode: BT!u5=


Session A:

14:00 - 14:30

Speaker: Parthipan Ramesh
No Information is provided.


14:30 - 15:00

Speaker: Niklas Britz
Type of talk: Bachelor Intro
Advisor: Dr. Nico Döttling
Title: Simplicity and Efficiency: Integer Secret Sharing using Gaussian DistributionsReimagined
Research Area: 2
Secret sharing is a cryptographic technique to distribute a secret among different parties. Only a specified amount of the parties can reconstruct the secret together, while smaller party sizes learn nothing or little about the original secret when combining their respective information.
In this work we present Gaussian Linear Integer Secret Sharing (GLISS), a secret sharing scheme that uses discrete Gaussian distributions to hide integer secrets effectively.
While many established secret sharing schemes operate on modular arithmetic and finite sets where the secrets lie, sharing integer secrets offers advantages that will be discussed in this thesis. While integer secret sharing is not a novel discovery, existing schemes tend to have "unnatural" constructions and require big parameters.
In this thesis, we want to show that the use of Gaussian distributions allows smoother constructions due to rotational invariance. Furthermore, we proof that GLISS is a secure scheme that requires smaller parameters than former work and discuss applications of our scheme.

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