Presentation Slides and Summary Paper SubmissionWritten on 08.06.22 by Hamid Ghaeini As a rule, the coursework submission should be managed by the CMS.
With kind regards, |
Cancellation of the class on 18.05.2022.Written on 16.05.22 by Hamid Ghaeini Dear students, Due to some health issues, I need to cancel this week's class on 18.05.2022. With best regards, |
Presentation TimelineWritten on 04.05.22 (last change on 20.05.22) by Hamid Ghaeini Dear students,
The presentation timeline with the selected papers is available now. Please let me know if there is any inconsistency between your selection and the timeline. Update: 20.05.2022
The due date of submission will also changes to 15.06.2022.
With best… Read more Dear students,
The presentation timeline with the selected papers is available now. Please let me know if there is any inconsistency between your selection and the timeline. Update: 20.05.2022
The due date of submission will also changes to 15.06.2022.
With best regards, |
Course DescriptionWritten on 22.04.22 by Hamid Ghaeini The description of the course can be found in the following link: |
Cyber-Physical Systems Security
There exist a multitude of cyber-physical system devices and applications deployed to serve critical roles, thus making security a crucial non-functional attribute of such systems. This proseminar is meant to provide students with an overview of recent advances in cyber-physical systems security.
We begin the proseminar in the kick-off day by assigning the papers to the students and providing some backgrounds about the proseminar. There will be two rounds of the presentations. In the first round, the students will present a classic paper in the field of cyber-physical systems security. At the end of each presentation, the audience will provide some insights to improve the presentation.
The students will present a state-of-the-art paper in the second round, in which the primary evaluation of the student’s performance will take place. We will encourage the students to prepare the slides in advance and discuss the slides with the advisor. It is helpful to arrange a dry-run of presentation to maintain the high quality of presentation.
With the current COVID-19 pandemic, the courses will take place online.