
Title Type Location Serial Start End All Day
Lecture 03 - Hashes, MACs, Asym. Crypto Lecture 04.11.19 04.11.19 No 
Office Hour Office Hour CISPA, 0.07 07.11.19 07.11.19 No 
Lecture 04 - RSA, PKI Lecture 11.11.19 11.11.19 No 
Lecture 05 - Authentication Lecture 18.11.19 18.11.19 No 
Lecture 06 - Netsec: LAN, WLAN & IP Lecture 25.11.19 25.11.19 No 
Lecture 07 - Netsec: IPv4, Routing, IPSec Lecture 02.12.19 02.12.19 No 
Lecture 08 - Netsec: NAT, TCP/UDP & IPv6 Lecture 09.12.19 09.12.19 No 
Lecture 09 - Netsec: IPv6, DoS, Firewalls Lecture 16.12.19 16.12.19 No 
Lecture 10 - Netsec: DNS, DNS Caching Attacks & DNSSEC Lecture 06.01.20 06.01.20 No 
Lecture 11 - Netsec: TLS, HTTPS & Certificate Management Lecture 13.01.20 13.01.20 No 
Lecture 12 - Web Security Lecture 20.01.20 20.01.20 No 
Lecture 13 - Anonymity and Privacy Lecture 27.01.20 27.01.20 No 
Lecture 14 - Q&A and Exam Preparation Lecture 03.02.20 03.02.20 No 
Exam Tutorial Lecture CISPA Lecture Hall 03.02.20 03.02.20 No 
Main Exam Exam GHH 10.02.20 10.02.20 No 
Backup exam Exam GHH 03.04.20 03.04.20 No 
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