
Title Type Location Serial Start End All Day
Re-Exam Exam E2 2, Günter-Hotz-Hörsaal 14.09.23 14.09.23 No 
Lecture 9 - Secure C Programming Lecture 29.06.23 29.06.23 No 
Lecture 8 - Finding Bugs Lecture 22.06.23 22.06.23 No 
Lecture 7 - Debugging Lecture 15.06.23 15.06.23 No 
Lecture 6 - Exploits Lecture 01.06.23 01.06.23 No 
Lecture 5 - Memory Corruption II & Environment Lecture 25.05.23 25.05.23 No 
Lecture 4 - Memory Corruption - Overflows Lecture 04.05.23 04.05.23 No 
Lecture 3 - Low-Level Basics Lecture 27.04.23 27.04.23 No 
Lecture 2 - Operating Systems Lecture 20.04.23 20.04.23 No 
Lecture 1 - Introduction and Malware Lecture 13.04.23 13.04.23 No 
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