Presentation schedule updated; Course evaluationWritten on 17.01.25 by Rayna Dimitrova Dear Students, The presentation schedule has been updated. You can find the up-to-date version in the "Materials" section. Note that in our next two meetings, on 31.01 and 07.02 we will have three presentations each, due to several postponed presentations. Dear Students, The presentation schedule has been updated. You can find the up-to-date version in the "Materials" section. Note that in our next two meetings, on 31.01 and 07.02 we will have three presentations each, due to several postponed presentations. In the "Information" menu here, you can find the link to the Qualis website for the course evaluation. I would be very thankful if you could take a couple of minutes to provide feedback on the proseminar. Your comments will be much appreciated! Best regards, Rayna |
Presentation schedule updatedWritten on 20.12.24 by Rayna Dimitrova Dear Students, I have updated the schedule in the Materials section with the dates of the second round of presentations. Best regards, Rayna |
Room change for 6th DecemberWritten on 05.12.24 by Rayna Dimitrova Dear Students, our meeting this week (December 6th) will be in lecture hall 0.05, E9.1 (CISPA Building C0). See you there, Rayna |
Timetable and presentations scheduleWritten on 05.11.24 by Rayna Dimitrova Dear Students, I have added the dates and locations of the proseminar meetings in the Timetable. You can also find the schedule of the first round of presentations in the Materials section. Best regards, Rayna |
Topic AssignmentWritten on 04.11.24 by Rayna Dimitrova Dear Students, the topic assignment in now available on the "Topic Assignment" page. In case of any questions, please lt me know. Best regards, Rayna |
Automated logical reasoning is the backbone of many state-of-the-art methods and tools for software and hardware verification, program synthesis, automatic bug finding, and compiler optimization. In this proseminar we will study automated reasoning techniques for different logical theories that are commonly used in the context of program verification and synthesis, and how they are applied to the design, analysis, and construction of software.
Presentations: A key objective of the proseminar is for students to learn how to give a scientific presentation. Each student will give two presentations on the topic that they have been assigned (based on provided references that will be research papers or book chapters).
* The first presentation is for practice (and is not graded), and after it the fellow students and the instructor will provide feedback on the quality of the presentation and suggestions about what can be improved.
* The second presentation (which will be graded) will be on the same or a closely related topic but based on a different reference.
Feedback: All students are expected to participate actively in the discussions, and will be required to provide feedback for each of the practice presentations.
Summary: At the end of the semester each student will submit a short summary (3-4 pages) of the topic that they have presented.
The proseminar will start with a kick-off meeting where we will give background information, describe the topics available for presentation, as well as information on how to prepare a scientific presentation and how to provide feedback to fellow students. The presentations, feedback and the discussions will be in English.
Time: Fridays, 16:15 -- 17:45
Venue: E9.1 (CISPA Building C0), meeting room 0.07. EXCEPTION: on 6th December in lecture hall 0.05!
Attendance: Participation in all meetings is mandatory (exceptions require an official document, i.e., doctor's certificate).
Important dates
25th October, 14:15 Kick-off meeting; Location: E9.1 (CISPA Building), meeting room 0.01 (participation is strictly required)
31st October, 18:00 -- Deadline for presentation topic preferences
4th November -- Topic assignment released
25th November -- Deadline for registration in LSF
Rayna Dimitrova (