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An Extravaganza of Algorithmic Models

For many a student, the first encounter with algorithmics may suggest that algorithms are well-behaved sequential creatures with full access to the input, living in a static environment, and otherwise privileged. However, the theory of algorithms goes well beyond this particular paradigm: there is an abundance of different kinds of (often less privileged) algorithms, including distributed algorithms, parallel algorithms, online algorithms, streaming algorithms, dynamic algorithms, and many, many more. In this block seminar we want to take a tour through the world of algorithmic models, with a special focus on graph problems. Note that this seminar will focus on theory (e.g., algorithm design and analysis), not implementation.

The seminar will take place as a block course in the spring break. Each student has to present one or two assigned paper(s). Each presentation is followed by a discussion led by the presenter. Besides presentation and participation in the discussion, the grade will depend on written deliverables. For details, see the slides from the kickoff meeting (in the materials tab). The seminar paper you have to hand in is due on Feb 13.

The required language for the presentations is English.

If you are interested in this seminar, please register your interest in the seminar assignment system.


Date, Time, Location

The seminar will take place over three days. The dates fixed for the seminar are Feb 20-22.



There are no formal prerequisites for this seminar, but a general interest in graph theory and designing/analyzing algorithms as well as a basic understanding of probabilities and algorithmic analysis (e.g., O-notation) will be helpful.




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