
Software/Hardware Requirement

Written on 23.08.2023 00:57 by Ali Abbasi

Hi Everybody,

We are getting close to the start day of our course. I wanted to give you some heads-up about the location and some requirements.



1. Please Bring a Laptop with you. It should be a Linux machine, preferably Ubuntu. Please also install Linux build environment for it. You should have an SSH client installed on it.

2. Please have a USB hub for 4th and 5th course day (next week, Thursday and Friday).


Important Note: If you use a pacemaker or any other medical device sensitive to electrical interference, please inform us ASAP.



The course location will be in CISPA main building, room 0.01. We will start every day at 10:00 AM and have lectures until 12:00. We will have lunch time between 12:00 and 13:00. We will start the practical session from 13:00 until 17:00 (or whatever it takes).


Recommended Text Book for the course:

1. Fuzzing Against the Machine, Automate Vulnerability Research with Emulated IoT Devices on QEMU

2. The Hardware Hacking Handbook

3. Real-Time Embedded Systems, Design Principles and Engineering Practices



Verbal Exam Date:

There is going to be a verbal exam. The verbal exam is designed so that by doing all the practical parts and delivering your final project, you do not need to study for it. We will talk about your final project in the verbal exam. The verbal exam date is Monday, 25th September, from 09:00 AM until 17:00. Your exact time slot will be announced at the end of the last lecture. If you can not attend the exam date, please inform us ASAP. The exam location will be my office at CISPA main building, room 2-16.









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