
Important Announcements

Written on 13.11.2024 14:31 by Alexander Dax

Midterm Registration
Midterm registration is now open! You can sign up on your personal CMS page until November 25, 2024, 14:00. Remember, passing the midterm is required to participate in the final project, and re-exam eligibility depends on completing the main midterm. No LSF registration is required for the midterm.
Plagiarism Reminder
We have observed cases of shared or copied solutions in Exercise Sheets 1 and 2, resulting in 0 points for all involved. Moving forward, confirmed cases of plagiarism will lead to exclusion from the course. Additionally, we’ll be using plagiarism detection software, starting with the Tamarin exercises and final project.
Use of ChatGPT
While tools like ChatGPT and other internet resources can be helpful for studying, we strongly discourage copying answers directly. In specialized areas like ours, ChatGPT’s responses are often inaccurate, which can lead to wrong answers for you and additional work for us. Please use online resources thoughtfully, and focus on understanding the concepts rather than relying on generated answers.
Unification Cheat Sheet
We understand that some students found the unification exercise on Sheet 2 challenging. To support your midterm preparation, we are providing a unification cheat sheet to clarify key concepts. You can find it on the Materials page. We hope this resource helps!
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