More Background on Model Checking
Written on 04.11.2018 16:55 by Swen Jacobs
Dear students,
for those of you who have not had a course on verification (or similar) or who want to refresh their memory, I have added another resource under Information->Materials->Background: the book "Principles of Model Checking".
Necessary for our seminar is only Section 2.1, which explains what a transition system is and how its reachable states are defined, as well as Section 2.2 up to (including) Section 2.2.1, which explains the concurrent execution of multiple transition systems - a special case of that will be important for model checking information-flow properties.
To get a better background, Chapter 1 and Sections 3.1 to 3.3 are also useful. The rest of the book goes beyond what we will need in the seminar.