
Title Type Location Serial Start End All Day
Presentations: P5 and P6 Paper Presentations 1 13.01.22 13.01.22 No 
Presentations: P1 and P2 Paper Presentations 1 06.01.22 06.01.22 No 
Reading Group (Papers R3 & R4) Meeting https://cispa-de.zoom.us/j/95651131029?pwd=KzlsZzBkRk45SXdpSmV5V29lRkxBUT09 25.11.21 25.11.21 No 
Reading Group (Papers R1 & R2) Meeting https://cispa-de.zoom.us/j/95651131029?pwd=KzlsZzBkRk45SXdpSmV5V29lRkxBUT09 18.11.21 18.11.21 No 
First Meeting Meeting https://cispa-de.zoom.us/j/95651131029?pwd=KzlsZzBkRk45SXdpSmV5V29lRkxBUT09 08.11.21 08.11.21 No 
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