
Results for Project 1

Written on 10.01.2022 16:10 by Marius Smytzek

Dear Students,

We have published the results for project 1. You can find your results and your passing status on your Personal Status page.

We have decided to provide only the points because we could lose information for your final grade when grading the project which could result in a worse result for you.

You passed the project with 50 Points. Your fuzzer was evaluated with respect to the coverage on miniircd, its capability to find seeded bugs in miniircd, and how well the fuzzer generalized to two other IRC server implementations measured in the coverage it achieves.

For the grading, we have adjusted the weights for each part as follows:

  • 50% Coverage on miniircd.
  • 30% Bug finding capability.
  • 20% How well your fuzzer generalizes.

Besides, we have dropped the criterium that you need to achieve 50% in each part.

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