
Exercise 9

Written on 03.01.2024 13:43 by Leon Bettscheider

Dear all,

We have released Exercise 9. You can find it under Information > Material. Please read the chapters Tracking Information Flow for this exercise.

This exercise is due on 14 January 2024 23:59.

As a reminder, each exercise comes as a ZIP file that contains:

  • sheet.pdf, listing the tasks
  • a number of Python/Jupyter Notebook/Text files for you to implement or extend
  •, a script that checks whether your submission is valid in a sense that all required files and functions are included

Follow the instructions in sheet.pdf carefully.
The exercises must be solved alone.
Invalid submissions (i.e. reports a problem) will result in 0 points.
Note that we cannot evaluate delayed submissions.


We ask you to submit your solutions as a ZIP file via the CMS on your Personal Status page.

If you have any questions, please ask on Askbot.

Happy Fuzzing!

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