
Project 1 Results

Written on 18.01.2024 17:43 by Leon Bettscheider

Dear students,


We have published the results for project 1. You can find your results and your passing status on your Personal Status page.

We repeated the measurements five times and used the maximum branch coverage achieved by your fuzzer in these five runs for grading, which is in your favor.



- Dimension 1: The goal branch coverage is 45%. Reaching at least 45% gives you 5/5 points in this dimension.

- Dimension 2: We introduced 30 bugs into sqlite. If your fuzzer could trigger at least 20 of them, you get 3/3 points.

- Dimension 3: We measured how many syntactically different inputs your fuzzer produces. If your fuzzer could generate at least 1000 syntactically different inputs, you get 2/2 points.


You pass the project if you meet the minimum passing criterion of 30% branch coverage or if you achieved 5/10 points in total.


Happy Fuzzing!

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