
Re-exam details

Written on 15.09.2023 11:41 by Leo Dessani

Hi all,

With this email you will receive all details for the upcoming re-exam. Please read all the details carefully and let us know if you have any question.

1. Date and time of the re-exam:

The re-exam will take place on September 25, 2023, at 2 pm (s.t.). Please be there on time, which means at the latest at 1:45 pm. You will have 90 minutes to work on the re-exam.

2. Location of the re-exam:

All students will write the re-exam in the GHH Lecture Hall.

3. Further details:

It is not allowed to use (lecture) notes or a calculator during the re-exam. The re-exam is designed so that you can pass it without these materials. You do not need to bring your own paper.

Please note that you are allowed to participate in the re-exam only if you have registered in the LSF (or any other way according to the respective examination regulations) and if you have passed the mid-term exam.

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