
Re-exam results and re-exam inspection

Written on 26.09.2023 16:04 by Leo Dessani

We have finished grading the re-exam!

The results are visible in the CMS. For technical reasons, the grade "5.0" may be shown if you did not register for the re-exam, but are registered for the course in the CMS. Of course, we will only enter your grade into the LSF if you were actually registered.

We have done our best to ensure that we entered the points correctly, though mistakes cannot be completely excluded.

Overall, you could reach 90 points. The grade 1.0 was awarded from 67 points. The passing limit was 35 points. The grade average for those present in the re-exam was 3.56, the median grade 3.3.

The re-exam inspection will take place on October 6 starting at 11 am in one of the seminar rooms at the ground floor of the buildung C3.1 if you do not hear anything else from us. If you want to participate, write an email to (subject: "Re-Exam inspection IT Forensics 2023") until October 3. You will then get your time slot. Please bring your student ID card with you.

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