
Guidelines for Final Report

Written on 10.01.25 by Sajin Sasy

Deadline: The final reports are due on 21 Feb, 2025.

Submission Format: Please use the USENIX two-column paper format for your final report submission.

Final reports are expected to be between 5 - 8 pages long (excluding references) in the USENIX format. While the page range is broad, we do not… Read more

Deadline: The final reports are due on 21 Feb, 2025.

Submission Format: Please use the USENIX two-column paper format for your final report submission.

Final reports are expected to be between 5 - 8 pages long (excluding references) in the USENIX format. While the page range is broad, we do not grade on length.  Please keep in mind quality over quantity.

Below is a template for what your final report should look like:

(M) Abstract (100 - 250 words)
(M) Introduction (1 - 2 pages)
    Motivation and shortcomings of current solutions
(O) Background (1 page)
    This is to provide details on relevant tools or systems to contextualize your project if required
(M) Related Work (1 - 2 pages)
    Summary of relevant related systems, solutions, and papers that you read over the duration of the course for your research
(M) System/Solution Design (2 - 3 pages)
    Describe your solution in detail. Use figures or algorithms (or both)
(O) Experiments/Evaluation (1 - 2 pages)
(M) Conclusion

M denotes sections that should absolutely be a part of everyone's report.
O denotes optional sections that may be a part of your final report.

This should give you a high-level overview of what your final report should look like, and establish some *must-be-part-of-every-final-report* sections.  

That said, there is no one recipe or template for an excellent final report. Consequently how you choose to order and present your report in the end is completely up to you. (But do make sure the (M) sections are addressed even if under a different name)

We will continue to hold office hours until 19th Feb, 2025. So feel free to reach out and schedule meetings with us if you want to discuss anything about your research or report.

We will also allow for an early submission of your final reports.  If you submit them before the 10th February, 2025; we will review them and provide feedback to help you improve the quality of your final submission. We strongly encourage you to take advantage of this.

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