
Title Type Location Serial Start End All Day
Project Submission Deadline 08.09.22 08.09.22 No 
Kick-Off Kick-Off Room 1.06 in E1 1 and online 21.04.22 21.04.22 No 
Feedforward and Recurrent Neural Networks Phase A Room 1.06 in E1 1 and online 05.05.22 05.05.22 No 
Paper Preferences Deadline 24.04.22 24.04.22 No 
Graph Neural Networks and Message Passing Phase A Room 1.06 in E1 1 and online 12.05.22 12.05.22 No 
Transformers and Large Language Models Phase A Room 1.06 in E1 1 and online 19.05.22 19.05.22 No 
Reinforcement Learning Phase A Room 1.06 in E1 1 and online 02.06.22 02.06.22 No 
Learning a SAT Solver from Single-Bit Supervision Phase B Room 1.06 in E1 1 and online 23.06.22 23.06.22 No 
Graph Representations for Higher-Order Logic and Theorem Proving Phase B Room 1.06 in E1 1 and online 30.06.22 30.06.22 No 
Learning to Represent Programs with Graphs Phase B Room 1.06 in E1 1 and online 30.06.22 30.06.22 No 
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