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Playing Roles To Discover Deep Learning

It's time to connect to your inner kid in this fun and engaging proseminar format ( Several students read the same book chapter, but each student takes on a specific role, which defines the lens through which they contribute to the discussion. Students cycle through roles throughout the course.

Content: Deep Learning

Deep learning continues to impress us with breakthroughs across disciplines and is a major driving force behind a multitude of industry innovations like ChatGPT or AlphaFold. Most of its successes are achieved by increasingly large neural networks that are trained on massive data sets. We will discover the basic principles in the design of modern architectures and discuss open challenges. The basic of the course will be the following book.

Important Dates

* Kick-off meeting in the second week of the semester (April 22, 2024).
* The presentations will be organized as a bi-weekly meeting during the semester. We usually meet at 16:15 in E9 1 (CISPA main building) in Room 0.07. Participation is mandatory and absence will require additional course work in form of a report.


*Short presentations from the perspective of your respective role: (60% of your final grade).

*Discussion: (40%). How actively you engage in discussions during the seminar will also influence your grade.

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