
Title Type Location Serial Start End All Day
Practical 1 Deadline Practical 16.12.22 N/A Yes 
Tutorial: Tips & Tricks for Microarchitectural Attacks Tutorial CISPA Lecture Hall 13.12.22 13.12.22 No 
Practical 2 Practical 13.12.22 N/A Yes 
Other Side Channels and Frameworks Lecture E9 1 (CISPA), room 0.05 13.12.22 13.12.22 No 
Cache Attacks II Lecture E9 1 (CISPA), room 0.05 29.11.22 29.11.22 No 
Practical 1 Practical 22.11.22 N/A Yes 
Cache Attacks I Lecture E9 1 (CISPA), room 0.05 22.11.22 22.11.22 No 
Introduction to Microarchitecture Lecture E9 1 (CISPA), room 0.05 15.11.22 15.11.22 No 
Timing Side Channels Lecture E9 1 (CISPA), room 0.05 08.11.22 08.11.22 No 
Introduction Lecture E9 1 (CISPA), room 0.05 25.10.22 25.10.22 No 
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