
Tomorrow's presentations

Written on 08.10.19 by Marco Patrignani

Dear students,

tomorrow's presentations will start at 13:30.

please have the laptops set up by then.



Schedule for Monday and Tuesday

Written on 04.10.19 by Marco Patrignani

Dear students,

this is the schedule for the presentations of next week. Leave at least 10/15 minutes for discussion in your talks.
Kind reminder: summaries are due on sunday.


13:15 : paper 3
13:55 break

14:00 : paper 10
14:40 break

14:45 : paper 12
15:25 break

15:30 :… Read more

Dear students,

this is the schedule for the presentations of next week. Leave at least 10/15 minutes for discussion in your talks.
Kind reminder: summaries are due on sunday.


13:15 : paper 3
13:55 break

14:00 : paper 10
14:40 break

14:45 : paper 12
15:25 break

15:30 : paper 14
16:10 break

16:15 : paper 15
16:55 end of class


13:15 : paper 16
13:55 break

14:00 : paper 17
14:40 break

14:45 : paper 19
15:25 end of class


The students of papers 5 and 10 have not shown up, and i doubt they will. If they manifest themselves, they will be added after paper 9.


Written on 29.09.19 by Marco Patrignani

Dear students,

slides and lecture notes are now available on my webage:

in the 2018-2019 year.


see you tomorrow.

Room announcement

Written on 28.09.19 by Marco Patrignani

Dear students,

the room of the seminar will be 0.06 at cispa.


see you next week.

Practical information

Written on 24.09.19 (last change on 25.09.19) by Marco Patrignani

Dear students, here is some practical information for the course:

- the first week of the course will be classes: monday, tuesday, wednesday and friday. 
- the second week of the course will be presentations: monday and tuesday.


Each presentation will be 40 minutes in total: prepare a talk… Read more

Dear students, here is some practical information for the course:

- the first week of the course will be classes: monday, tuesday, wednesday and friday. 
- the second week of the course will be presentations: monday and tuesday.


Each presentation will be 40 minutes in total: prepare a talk with slides for 25 minutes and then we'll have 15 minutes for discussions.

We'll have a 5 minutes break between each presentation so that you can set up your pc.

Monday we'll have 6 presentations, tuesday we'll have 4.


Concerning reports/summaries, 2 pages per paper should suffice.

Remember that all summaries must be turned in in 2 sundays. All of them, no extensions.


Written on 14.07.19 by Marco Patrignani

Dear students, i wanted to clarify that the papers to be summarised are only those that will be discussed in class, so only 10 of the 19 in the list. Specifically, they are numbers: 3 5 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 19. best -mp
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