
Final lecture + exercise information

Written on 14.07.2016 11:56 by Christian Rossow

Information to those of you who have missed today's lecture:

  • The final SSE lecture will be next week Thu, 21.07. and cover Future Internet concepts and Software Defined Network (no prior reading required)
  • We will give a (short!) overview of exam topics in this lecture.
  • You should sign up for the course in LSF if you have not done so ASAP.
  • This week's exercise sheet will be the last one. The deadline is Wed, 20th at 7:59 am (one day earlier than usual to allow for corrections).
  • If, after the final sheet correction, you have less than 50% of the total points, do not forget to unregister from the course in LSF (otherwise we have no choice to grade you 5.0).
  • UPDATE: You need at least 117 points in total to be able to participate in the exam.
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