Abstract Submissions for FormatFuzzer
Written on 09.07.2021 09:32 by Rafael Dutra
Dear Students,
Hope to see you soon at 10am for the first round of final presentations.
As we mentioned during the previous meeting, the next seminar will be on FormatFuzzer.
* FormatFuzzer: Effective Fuzzing of Binary File Formats
Dutra, Gopinath, Zeller
We expect a short abstract, no more than one page, capturing the essential ideas. Also think about new directions to use/extend the FormatFuzzer framework.
As before you can use the following latex snippet to determine what fits in a single page and what doesn't.
\title{My Title}
Please upload your summary as a PDF to the CMS submission slot (you can use the above latex code to generate the PDF). The submission slot for FormatFuzzer is here:
Please submit your abstracts before the class.