Abstract Submissions for Evocative Patterns for Behavioral Abstraction
Written on 04.05.2021 14:43 by Rahul Gopinath
Dear Students,
As we mentioned during the previous week, the next seminar will be on evocative or failure inducing patterns for behavioral abstraction. The following publications provide the basic background.
* Abstracting Failure-Inducing Inputs
Gopinath, Kampmann, Havrikov, Soremekun, Zeller
Talk: Benjamin Peters
(You are encouraged to read the Debugging book chapter on this subject: which details a simpler algorithm than that given in the paper, and understand the trade offs.)
* When does my Program do this? Learning Circumstances of Software Behavior
Kampmann, Havrikov, Soremekun, Zeller
Talk: Ali Alhasani
We expect a short abstract, no more than one page, capturing the essential ideas. As before you can use the following latex snippet to determine what fits in a single page and what doesn't.
\title{My Title}
Please upload your summary as a PDF to the CMS submission slot (you can use the above latex code to generate the PDF). The submission slot for evocative patterns abstracts is here:
Please submit your abstracts before the class.