
Assigned Topics and Next Deadline

Written on 06.11.2021 18:40 by Aleksandar Bojchevski

Dear Students,

The topic assignment is complete and 9/10 students got their first or second choice. You can visit the same document where you provided you ranking to see which topic was assigned to you (denoted with a highlighted cell).

The next step is to read the seed papers provided on the Topics page and write a short outline of your paper. The outline should be around 0.5 - 1 pages long in a bullet list format. It should provide a first rough sketch of the main story and the questions/models/algorithms/techniques that you want to focus on.

You have around 3 weeks to complete this task. The deadline is 26.11.21 at 23:55. Afterwards, you can optionally request a meeting to discuss your outline. More details on how to submit the outline will follow.

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