
Reviews & Next Deadline & Presentations & Survey

Written on 31.01.2022 11:03 by Aleksandar Bojchevski

Dear Students,


Thank you for sending in your reviews. You can find a link to a folder with all of the reviews (sorted per paper) on the materials page. Please read the reviews for your seminar paper carefully and incorporate the feedback from your fellow students as you see fit.

The next deadline is 25.02.2022. You must submit by then:

  1. The second (and essentially final) version of your seminar paper. Note, while there will be a camera-ready deadline one week after the presentations, the second version that you submit next will determine your grade (40%). The optional camera-ready deadline is just there to potentially incorporate very minor points that might arise during your presentation.
  2. Your final presentation. Your presentation should be 25 30 minutes long. I highly recommended that you do at least one practice run to make sure that the story flows nicely and that you are on time. For simplicity please convert your presentation file to PDF when you submit it. If you use an online tool which doesn't allow you to export a PDF (e.g. Prezi), then just include a link in your submission. Below you will find a few helpful references for making effective presentations. Most importantly: 1 single message per slide!

If you would like to get my feedback on the first version of your paper and/or your presentation please reach out via email and we will arrange an individual meeting. Note, this meeting was changed from mandatory to optional, but I highly recommend it.

As you know, the final presentation will be scheduled sometime between 25.02.22 and 31.03.22. First, let us all collective decide whether you prefer to have all presentations in one day (around 6 hours + breaks), or you prefer to split them across two days (3 hours + breaks each day). Use this poll to express you preference. I will leave the poll open until the of the week.

Finally, you have the opportunity to evaluate this seminar. You can this link to do so by 03.02.2022. Your feedback is highly appreciated.

As always, don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.


  1. How To Speak by Patrick Winston
  2. How to avoid death By PowerPoint by David JP Phillips
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