Updated gameserver & changes to database handling
Written on 03.12.2020 14:26 by Ben Stock
As can be seen from the Askbot thread, we have finished our move to the new checking infrastructure. Instead of doing checks regularly once per hour, you can now schedule checks against a particular service yourself (at most once per 15 minutes). This should give you more flexibility when verifying your fixes. Please note that you should not use that as an oracle - as in the exam, there will be no oracle and you have to understand how to fix a certain issue.
In terms of scoring, this means that you now just get points once for having fixed a problem (analog to what is requried for the exam admission). To nevertheless give an incentive to folks to start working on the challenges early, the first three solvers get 15, 10, and 5% more points, respectively.
In addition, in the hunt for the database-related errors we kept on having, I have modified the settings in all of your screecher instances (directly on the servers). This should not be a problem, since you are not supposed to touch that file anyways. In addition, I have truncated all entries from the users table; i.e., if you had a particular test account on your VM, this is now gone and you need to re-register it.
We'll keep monitoring the situation to see if this finally fixes the database issues (which we have never seen before, actually...).