
Changes to the seminar

Written on 29.06.2021 15:24 by Stella Wohnig

Dear All,

There will be a change to the seminar organisation. From now on, we will track the research area of your topics, as this clusters people of similar research interests and facilitates discussion of your results.

What you need to do now:

  1. Find out what your research area is (by going here: and or checking in with your advisor)
  2. Provide this info in your future calendly registrations
  3. For all talks after the 7.7. use the new template for the talk information uploaded before your talk, which is found in the Materials section. State your area as "RA1" or "RA5" for example.

Furthermore this affects attention. During the time of your thesis work, you are expected to attend and participate in discussions of the talks on all days with talks within your research area (1-2 absences for sickness etc. will be accepted naturally smiley, also this obviously only applies to future talks).

In case you are unsure, the areas are

  • RA1: Trustworthy Information Processing
  • RA2: Reliable Security Guarantees
  • RA3: Threat Detection and Defenses
  • RA4: Secure Mobile and Autonomous Systems
  • RA5: Empirical and Behavioural Security

Best regards,
Stella Wohnig


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