
Corona-Rules for the Re-Exam

Written on 21.09.2020 09:57 by Nico Döttling

Dear Students,

For anyone attending the re-exam tomorrow, please read the following points carefully!

  1. Please note that it is absolutely necessary for you to bring your own protection mask with you. Students who have a doctor’s certificate that they cannot wear protection masks have to bring their own face shields and wear these instead of a mask. 
  2. If your answer is "yes" to one or more of the following questions, then you are not allowed to attend the exam. If you provide a doctor’s certificate to the examination office later on, the examination attempt will be canceled and will not count.

    Did you have definite contact with a Covid-19 patient, who was tested positive, in the last 14 days?
    Do you have any of the following symptoms?
    ▪ Cough / Husten
    ▪ Sore throat / Halsschmerzen
    ▪ Nasal congestion / runny nose / Schnupfen
    ▪ Diarrhoea /Durchfall
    ▪ Fever /Fieber
    ▪ Aches and pains / Gliederschmerzen
    ▪ Loss of smell (e.g. no longer able to smell burnt food) / Geruchsverlust
    ▪ Loss of taste (e.g. unable to distinguish when food is burnt) / Geschmacksverlust”
Stay healthy and good luck!
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