
Tutorial type

Written on 14.10.2020 22:54 by Ben Stock

Hi all,

given the special Corona situation, the lecture will be fully virtualized and run online. For tutorials, though, would like to hear your opinion. The tutorials are a combination of office hours (where you can ask tutors clarification questions) and exercises that you work on in the group. This can either be offline (in-person) in one of the big lecture halls with significant distance between each other (approx. 2m) or fully virtualized as well. To get an estimate on how many types of tutorial we should offer, I appreciate your input in the following Doodle.

You can vote "Yes" (implying you want to have them online only), "If-need-be" (you don't care) or "No" (offline only).

I apologize for the weird way of welcoming you to the lecture, but we require your input here.

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