
Evaluation results

Written on 18.02.2021 20:57 by Ben Stock

Hi all,

I hope you are keeping safe and have been successful with exams thus far (if you had any). I received the evaluation results last week and have uploaded them to the Materials section. I am extremely happy to see such a positive rating of the lecture, especially considering the weird circumstances of no visual feedback for me, and the even weirder circumstances for the first term "at" the university for all of you. I hope that I will not need to take the Zoom-related suggestions for improvement into account in the next term, assuming that the situation normalizes a bit and we can all go back to in-person teaching.

Looking at the number of students who provided feedback, this was comparatively low (31 participants). If you did not participate or have additional feedback, please use the anonymous feedback function in the CMS or write me an email.

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