
Backup exam

Written on 14.04.2021 20:53 by Ben Stock

The backup exam will again start at 9am tomorrow morning. You'll again have to acknowledge the terms through This should work now and show you the countdown if you are registered. Please check this well before 9am tomorrow.

Given the issues students faced last time, let me state the following:

- All submissions must be made until 11:30am to the CMS. Note that the upload speed may vary based on your Internet connection. Technically speaking, it should also not be necessary to wait until the last minute, given that the exam time is supposed to be 2 hours.

- Please double check that you have included all sheets in the submission. Some students forgot some pages for the previous attempt.

- Plagiarising your solution is a really bad idea. This can have severe consequences for your studies. 

We have understood and fixed the bug in the confirmation. Should, for some reason, the page not work for you, immediately send an email to and, which includes the text from the page confirming you are willing to take the exam. We'll respond ASAP with the link to your PDF.

In case of other questions, we'll be available through the Zoom call:

Good luck tomorrow!

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