Exam Results in CMS
Geschrieben am 24.07.2019 17:42 von Christian Rossow
Thanks to an enormous job of your tutors who finished their corrections within 24 hours, you can already view the exam results in CMS. Congratulations to the 45 of you (53.6%) who passed the exam! Exam inspection will be on Tue, Aug 6. To minimize your waiting time, we have structured the inspection in four time blocks. You can find yours based on the first letter of your last name:
- A-E: 14:00
- F-K: 14:30
- L-O: 15:00
- P-Z: 15:30
We will enforce this order during the inspection phase.
EDIT: The inspection will take place in room 0.06 in building E9.1 (CISPA).