
Title Type Location Serial Start End All Day
Tutorial#3 Florian Beqiri Tutorial https://cispa-de.zoom.us/j/91818605944?pwd=bmZVREdIQ09MRjdhTlZza2xrb1NSUT09 3 09.07.21 09.07.21 No 
Tutorial#3 Florian Beqiri Tutorial https://cispa-de.zoom.us/j/91818605944?pwd=bmZVREdIQ09MRjdhTlZza2xrb1NSUT09 3 16.07.21 16.07.21 No 
Tutorial#2 Luc Seyler Tutorial https://cispa-de.zoom.us/j/94323767190?pwd=NUwzY2ljNEJubm5TdkFPQmNCNEl1QT09 23.07.21 23.07.21 No 
Main Exam Exam E2 2, Günter-Hotz-Hörsaal 06.08.21 06.08.21 No 
Lecture 1 - Introduction and Malware Lecture 15.04.21 15.04.21 No 
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