
Today's lecture; upcoming exercise sheets

Written on 06.12.2022 14:38 by Andreas Zeller

Hello everyone,

Professor Zeller has fallen sick and will be absent for the week.

  • Today's lecture will be given by Marius Smytzek instead. The topic will be Statistical Debugging. Professor Zeller is expected back next week; his topics will be Reducing Failure-Inducing Inputs and Isolating Failure-Inducing Changes, two applications of delta debugging.
  • Professor Zeller's condition also has delayed finalizing the exercise sheets and project descriptions that we know you are waiting for. The good news is with Zeller's recovery, all of these should be in your hands by the end of this week. Stay tuned!

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. Stay healthy, stay safe, and see you soon!

The Automated Debugging Team – Andreas, Marius, and Paul




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