
Reminder: submit your summary and questions

Written on 14.05.24 by Ali Abbasi


This is just a friendly reminder that if you are not presenting tomorrow, you have time until the end of today to upload your one-page summary of the paper and 3 questions in the CMS portal.






Topic Assignment

Written on 09.05.24 by Ali Abbasi

Hi Everybody,

I assigned topics for each one of you based on your preference. Unfortunately, not everyone got one of the three options they asked for.


You can observe your assigned topic here:


Students who got… Read more

Hi Everybody,

I assigned topics for each one of you based on your preference. Unfortunately, not everyone got one of the three options they asked for.


You can observe your assigned topic here:


Students who got topic #1 should prepare their presentation (after reading the paper completely) for next week's meeting. Others, in seminar/proseminar groups should read the corresponding paper (proseminar or seminar paper) and submit their three questions together with a one-page summary of the paper to the CMS. If you are using MS Word for one page summary, please do not use font 12 or above—you're not stranded on an island trying to signal rescue planes with your writing, and I promise, my eyesight is just fine! (with the help of my glasses obviously)


PS: If you were not assigned a topic, just write in the forum.





Welcome to the Seminar

Written on 25.04.24 by Ali Abbasi

Hi Guys,

I see that most of you already registered at the CMS. Some information about the course:

Kick-off date: 8th May 2024. at 12:15

Location: CISPA C0 building, room 0.02 (Ground floor, room 02)







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