FInal GradesWritten on 04.05.20 by Swen Jacobs Dear students, your final grades are now visible and have been submitted to the LSF. I want to thank you for your great participation in the seminar, it was a pleasure to discuss these papers with you. If you want additional feedback on your report or presentation, please let me know. Cheers! |
Presentation Slides availableWritten on 28.02.20 by Swen Jacobs Dear students, the presentation slides are now available under Materials -> Presentation Slides. Since their upload has been delayed, I have extended the deadline for the report until the end of next week. |
Presentation SlidesWritten on 30.01.20 by Swen Jacobs Dear Students, a quick reminder: please upload your slides, such that everyone can use them when preparing their reports. Thank you! |
Final Report: Length and RequirementsWritten on 24.12.19 by Swen Jacobs Dear students, I had a question about required content and length of the final report. Here is what I expect: Dear students, I had a question about required content and length of the final report. Here is what I expect: Overall, the report should be between 6 and 10 pages. Happy Holidays, see you next year! |
Student Presentations and Final ReportWritten on 18.11.19 by Swen Jacobs Dear Students, as agreed in the last meeting, student presentations will start on December 19, 2019 with the following two presentations: Paper 3: Automatic Verification of Security Protocols in the Symbolic Model: the Verifier ProVerif (presented by Julia Tillman) Paper 4: Verification of… Read more Dear Students, as agreed in the last meeting, student presentations will start on December 19, 2019 with the following two presentations: Paper 3: Automatic Verification of Security Protocols in the Symbolic Model: the Verifier ProVerif (presented by Julia Tillman) Paper 4: Verification of Cryptographic Protocols: Tagging Enforces Termination (presented by Niklas Medinger) There will not be any more meetings before that, and the remaining presentations will follow in January and February 2020. Also, the "Materials" section now contains a template and the grading rubric for the final reports, as well as the whiteboard notes from the last meeting. |
Topic AssignmentWritten on 11.11.19 by Swen Jacobs Dear students, the topics have now been assigned (as tutorial slots). See you on Thursday! |
Paper/Topic AssignmentWritten on 07.11.19 by Swen Jacobs Dear Students, as announced today, all papers are now online. Please have a look at them and choose your preferences (via the Tutorial mechanism) until Sunday. You will be assigned your presentation topic next Monday. |
New Time and Place for Regular MeetingsWritten on 26.10.19 by Swen Jacobs Dear students, the new time and place for our meetings will be Thursdays, 16:15 in Room 2.06 (Building E1 1). Our next meeting will be on Thursday, Nov 7. See you there! |
Time Slot for Regular MeetingsWritten on 23.10.19 by Swen Jacobs Dear students, as discussed yesterday, the time slot on Tuesday has a collision with another course, so I proposed to schedule our regular meetings on Thursdays, 16-18h. If this does not work for you, please let me know asap, latest tomorrow. |
Formal Methods for Security
Engineering of secure systems is an arms race between attackers and system designers. In recent years, hardly a week goes by without the discovery of a new attack, and system designers scrambling to plug the holes. Formal methods are a means to break out of this arms race by ruling out entire classes of attacks once and for all.
In this seminar, students will learn to present, discuss, and summarize papers in different areas of formal methods for security. The seminar is split into two parts. The first part will take the form of reading sessions, where we lay the foundations of the topic. For the second part, each student is assigned a recent paper from the research area. Students will present their paper and will write a seminar paper on the topic assigned to them, taking into account connections to the topics discussed in the seminar.
Important Dates
First Meeting: Tuesday 22.10.2019, E1.1 Room 1.06, 16:15
During our first meeting, I will present a short overview of the content and format of the seminar.
Reading Group: In the reading group sessions, we discuss background papers that lay the foundations, or give an overview of the recent work on formal methods for security. Each paper will be presented informally by selected students, followed by a joint discussion. The list of papers for the reading group will be announced soon.
Talks: At the first reading group session, each participant will be assigned a topic. Each topic will be presented by the respective student, followed by joint discussion. For the discussions, it is important that every participant has read the paper(s) that are presented. The list of presentation topics will be announced soon.
Summary: At the end of the seminar we would like you to submit a summary of the seminar topics, including a comparison of your topic to the ones presented by other students.