
CS department is looking for a (security-aware) web developer

Written on 04.06.24 by Ben Stock

Dear students,


The Computer Science Department of Saarland University is looking for a talented student helper who maintains the BSc application web portal ( The paid position is 8-12 hours a week and will be filled ASAP (at least) until the… Read more

Dear students,


The Computer Science Department of Saarland University is looking for a talented student helper who maintains the BSc application web portal ( The paid position is 8-12 hours a week and will be filled ASAP (at least) until the end of the semester. Applicants should know PHP programming and SQL, be communicative and responsive and be available for irregular on-campus meetings. Proficiency in German is beneficial but not mandatory.


If you are interested, please send an email outlining your Transcripts of Records and your past experiences in Web development to Sebastian Hack ( at your earliest convenience. We will consider applications until Sunday, June 9th.


Thanks and best regards,

Sebastian Hack

Exam inspection

Written on 20.10.23 by Ben Stock

For the UdS students, the exam inspection will take place on Monday, October 23, from 8:30 to 9:30 in CISPA's 0.07.

Backup exam seating

Written on 15.10.23 by Ben Stock

Dear all,

the backup exam will be in HS 0.02 on Tuesday, starting at 10am. Please arrive by 9:45 to ensure a smooth start.

You can find your seat numbers in your Personal Status page. If you do not have a seat or are shown as not registered, you cannot participate in the exam at UdS.

Exam registration for backup exam

Written on 02.10.23 by Ben Stock

Hi all,

after some feedback from one of you, I asked the study coordination to check into the missing backup exam in LSF. They told me it was now added and you should be able to sign up for the exam. If your study course does not allow for registration through CMS (e.g., Erasmus), you can now use… Read more

Hi all,

after some feedback from one of you, I asked the study coordination to check into the missing backup exam in LSF. They told me it was now added and you should be able to sign up for the exam. If your study course does not allow for registration through CMS (e.g., Erasmus), you can now use the CMS registration (visible from your Personal Status page).

Please make sure to register at latest until October 10, 23:59. After this, registration is no longer possible.

Exam inspection UdS - Monday July 31, 9-11

Written on 27.07.23 by Ben Stock

The exam inspection will be on Monday from 9 through 11 in room 3.21 of CISPA's main building. Note that you have to arrive until 10:30 at the latest such that we can finish on time at 11.

Grading finished for UdS

Written on 24.07.23 by Ben Stock

Hi all,

we have finished grading for the UdS students. For FAU students, please get in contact with the chair about your grading and don't be alarmed if you receive an email that claims you have a 5.0.

Exam registration due Monday July 17 / topics for Q/A in Mattermost

Written on 14.07.23 by Ben Stock

As a reminder, the registration for the exam is due on Monday by 23:59 (either CMS or LSF). Any student not registered by that time will not be able to take part in the exam.

In addition, for next week's Q/A and exam preparation lecture, please make sure to answer on Mattermost with topics that we… Read more

As a reminder, the registration for the exam is due on Monday by 23:59 (either CMS or LSF). Any student not registered by that time will not be able to take part in the exam.

In addition, for next week's Q/A and exam preparation lecture, please make sure to answer on Mattermost with topics that we should cover. In order to prepare for the exam, there is also a sample exam (including solutions) available in the CMS.

Missing videos & slides for Wednesday

Written on 25.06.23 by Ben Stock

Dear all,

due to my absence last week, I failed to provide the video and slides until just now. I have now made them available through the CMS and the regular link for videos, please take a look before Wednesday :-)

Clarification: lecture dates

Written on 15.05.23 by Ben Stock

Due to a small bug, the course's main page noted that there would be no lecture on May 17 (it technically specified May 17 would be both a lecture and no lecture). Just to avoid misunderstandings: we will have a regular meeting on May 17, but no meeting on May 24.

Small bug in CSP Playground

Written on 13.05.23 by Ben Stock

Due to a small bug in our logic, the base.html requires a change also for playground to work. Please make sure you update that accordingly (as we did in the live demo) before asking our crawler to check your instance.

Lecture on May 3 - Start time

Written on 02.05.23 by Ben Stock

Hi all,

due to an important meeting within CISPA, the lecture hall will be inaccessible until approx 10:10am tomorrow. Please make sure that you do not arrive too early, since you will be unable to enter. 

See you tomorrow!

PyCharm and Reminder for Gitlab

Written on 17.04.23 by Ben Stock

For our course, we will exclusively support PyCharm for the tasks. History has shown that random deployments of Linux subsystems, zsh, and the latest version of Arch Linux lead to situations where students are stuck for all the wrong reasons :-) Therefore, our infrastructure introduction will explain… Read more

For our course, we will exclusively support PyCharm for the tasks. History has shown that random deployments of Linux subsystems, zsh, and the latest version of Arch Linux lead to situations where students are stuck for all the wrong reasons :-) Therefore, our infrastructure introduction will explain the next steps of your development life as part of the Screecher team within PyCharm. 

For this to work, we ask two things if possible: install PyCharm Professional. You can get a free license from JetBrains as long as you are a student (i.e., have an email address from a recognized university, see Also, while I usually appreciate your undivided attention during the Q/A sessions, feel free to bring your laptop and follow along with what we'll be showing you. 

Also note that you must login to the Gitlab once until Wednesday's lecture. Otherwise, you might not get a VM set up for you and will therefore be unable to participate in the exercises (and, thus, the exam). We will be removing students who do not actively participate in the exercises from the course. 

All other relevant information about the exercises will be shared on Wednesday (including the release of the first task). As a reminder: the lecture recording might take some time to become available, please attend live if you can. 

Mattermost Sign Up Bug

Written on 12.04.23 by Ben Stock

Hi all,

unfortunately, there was a small bug in copy/pasting the link for the Mattermost invite. If you already joined, you are now in the 2022 edition of FoWS. Please use instead to join the 2023 edition.

Also,… Read more

Hi all,

unfortunately, there was a small bug in copy/pasting the link for the Mattermost invite. If you already joined, you are now in the 2022 edition of FoWS. Please use instead to join the 2023 edition.

Also, the recording is now available.

Thanks :)

First lecture and registration snafu

Written on 11.04.23 by Ben Stock

Hi all,

we meet tomorrow at 10:15 in CISPA's lecture hall for the first lecture. Note that the lecture will not be streamed live and uploads of the videos may be delayed.

Also, I realized only today that there was a misconfiguration in the self-assessment tool, which incorrectly told students… Read more

Hi all,

we meet tomorrow at 10:15 in CISPA's lecture hall for the first lecture. Note that the lecture will not be streamed live and uploads of the videos may be delayed.

Also, I realized only today that there was a misconfiguration in the self-assessment tool, which incorrectly told students that the lecture was full. If you know anyone who is still interested in attending the lecture, feel free to let them know that there are still slots available and that the self-assessment tool has been fixed.

See you tomorrow!

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