
PyCharm and Reminder for Gitlab

Written on 17.04.2023 17:22 by Ben Stock

For our course, we will exclusively support PyCharm for the tasks. History has shown that random deployments of Linux subsystems, zsh, and the latest version of Arch Linux lead to situations where students are stuck for all the wrong reasons :-) Therefore, our infrastructure introduction will explain the next steps of your development life as part of the Screecher team within PyCharm. 

For this to work, we ask two things if possible: install PyCharm Professional. You can get a free license from JetBrains as long as you are a student (i.e., have an email address from a recognized university, see Also, while I usually appreciate your undivided attention during the Q/A sessions, feel free to bring your laptop and follow along with what we'll be showing you. 

Also note that you must login to the Gitlab once until Wednesday's lecture. Otherwise, you might not get a VM set up for you and will therefore be unable to participate in the exercises (and, thus, the exam). We will be removing students who do not actively participate in the exercises from the course. 

All other relevant information about the exercises will be shared on Wednesday (including the release of the first task). As a reminder: the lecture recording might take some time to become available, please attend live if you can. 

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