
Project 2 - Results

Written on 02.02.2019 02:40 by Ezekiel Soremekun

Hi all,

Results for Project 2 has been published.

Your grade is based on the coverage achieved by the test inputs generated by your grammar, with one point obtainable for each set of inputs reaching the minimum specified coverage. The evaluation was performed with 86 regexes (including all 26 initial regexes in the Project), consisting of 23 regexes for the basic syntax category, 58 regexes for the complex syntax category and five regexes for the bonus regex category.

For grade understanding and reproducibiltiy, the evaluation code, the details of the final secret_set_of_regex and the minimum coverage used for the evaluation can be found in the evaluation project notebook (Project_Grammar_eval.ipynb). This is available at or for download at

Note on result reproducibility: The displayed results in (Project_Grammar_eval.ipynb) is provided as a sample result sheet. If you want to reproduce the points obtained by your implementation using the evaluation notebook (i.e. Project_Grammar_eval.ipynb), copy and paste your implementation in “Your code” section of the notebook, and run all cells, then your result will be automatically generated.

If you have any questions or require feedback for your grade, kindly send an email or drop by my office.  



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