
Recommended talk: Today 11:00 by Thorsten Holz on "Fuzzing Hypervisors and Complex Interpreters"

Written on 10.01.2020 09:06 by Andreas Zeller

Dear student of "Generating Software Tests",

Are you interested to learn how fuzzing techniques are used by security researchers?

As part of CISPA’s Distinguished Lecture Series, we are pleased to
announce that Thorsten Holz (Ruhr University Bochum) will give a talk on

 "Fuzzing Hypervisors and Complex Interpreters"

today on Fri, January 10, at 11:00am s.t. in CISPA’s lecture hall.

Abstract: In recent years, randomized fuzz-testing (“fuzzing”) has
progressed rapidly, mainly driven by tools such as afl and lots of
academic work on this topic. In practice, fuzzing is often superior to
seemingly "smarter" approaches such as symbolic or concolic execution.
We provide an overview of our recent results, including fuzzing
hypervisors, grammar-based fuzzing of complex interpreters, and
fuzz-testing of stateful systems. In total, the different methods
enabled us to find hundreds of software bugs that lead to more than 100

Bio: Thorsten Holz is full professor in the Horst Görtz Institute for IT
Security at Ruhr-University Bochum. His research focuses on system
security. He obtained his PhD in computer science from the University of
Mannheim. He received the DFG Heinz Mai­er-Leib­nitz-Price in 2011 and
an ERC Star­ting Grant in 2014. He is one of the three spokespersons of
the CASA (Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries) BMBF
Cluster of Excellence in Bochum.

Looking forward to see you, and best wishes,


Andreas Zeller


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