
Exam grades

Written on 02.04.2024 20:20 by Sebastian Stich

Dear students,

We entered the grades into LSF. All of you passed, congrats!

Exam review

If you want to review your exam, please schedule a meeting with us before April 19 (we can also send you a scanned copy of your exam if you prefer that).

Details on grading

It was possible to get 60 points in the exam. We converted the exam points to the 0-10 scale we used for the projects by dividing your exam points by 5.5.
Then, we computed a weighted average of your points from both projects (with eventual bonus points) and the exam score (project 1: 10%, project 2: 30%, exam: 60%).
The final points were converted to a grade according to the mapping provided under 'materials'. 

Course wrap-up

Thank you for participating in this course. We recognize that some materials may have been provided later than expected. Your feedback is crucial and will guide our improvements to the course materials (we have factored this into the grade scale and set a generous threshold for passing).

We hope you gained valuable knowledge from this course, and we appreciate your understanding. We look forward to your presence again in subsequent lectures, seminars, or possibly in a role as a research assistant (Hiwi) in our labs.

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