
Optional extra seminar session Wednesday Feb 15

Written on 14.02.2023 19:57 by Nils Ole Tippenhauer

Dear students of the ICS Security seminar,

as announced in the last session, I will be available for another optional seminar session tomorrow to discuss the content of the seminar further. (Non-)Participation will not have an impact on your grade. We will use the same zoom link as made availabe in the materials collection here on CMS.

Please make sure to hand in your presentation slides via the submission feature on CMS soon (deadline 16.2.23). You still have about a week to finalize your written discussion of the two papers. If there are more questions on that, let me know in tomorrow's session, or via mail.

If you didn't provide feedback on the presentations by other students to me via mail so far, please do this in the next days as well.

Thanks to everyone who provided the information and requested material already. Good luck for your exams!



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