
Upcoming Tutorial exceptions / Q&A session before the exam

Geschrieben am 23.05.2022 11:54 von Leo Dessani

Hi all,

as already accouned in the tutorial, we will have two more exceptions for the upcoming tutorials. To be complete, the exceptions already accounced are also listed below:

  • 06.06 -> 07.06. (already announced)
  • 20.06. -> 21.06. (already announced)
  • 11.07. -> 12.07. (new)
  • 18.07. -> 19.07. (new)

Time (10:15 - 12:00) and zoom link remain the same!

As the last tutorial is on 25.07., we will have a Q&A session for the exam on 08.08. from 10:15 - 12:00. The zoom link is the same as for regular tutorials. The Q&A session will only take place if I get questions until 05.08. by e-mail at



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