
Online Test Exam

Written on 02.02.2021 21:16 by Sven Bugiel

Dear all, following the recommendation by the university we will try to set the exams for this course up as "online digital exams" (see here). Since this is likely a new procedure for most of you (and us), we will have a test online exam this Friday at 09:45 – 10:15 just before the regular call with Teams. If you like to participate in this test exam and provide feedback on this process, please contact me and send me your Moodle user ID (this should be your regular UdS account name, e.g., for LSF/HISPOS) and I will enroll you in the Moodle course for Mobile Security. Please also check that you can actually log in to Moodle and can access the course after being enrolled.

Regarding the procedure as advised by the university:

  • the exam sheet will be published at the exam starting time via Moodle and you have the regular 120 minutes to work on it (30 minutes for the test exam)
  • we will provide a Word file with the same structure as the exam sheet and you must write your answers into this Word file (e.g., using LibreOffice, Microsoft Office, etc.)
  • save your exam solution as a PDF and upload the PDF within the allotted time to Moodle (there is a short grace period after the 120 minutes to upload your sheet)
  • the exam will in this case be open book, i.e., there is no restriction on the auxiliary materials that you use (e.g., lecture slides, etc)
  • for questions during the exam, we will offer the Moodle chat and an extra "Exams" channel in Teams
  • attempted deception (e.g., copying answers from another participant) that we detect in the answers will have the same consequences as attempts to cheating during a closed-book exam


Thus, to participate in the online exams you need:

  • To be admitted to attend the exam (i.e., have the necessary points from the exercises)
  • To be registered for the exam in the LSF/HISPOS
  • Access to the UdS moodle and have been enrolled in the Mobile Security course on Moodle
  • An editor for Word files that can save as PDF
  • Stable enough Internet connection to retrieve the exam sheet & Word template and upload your solution to Moodle
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