
You are required to author two summaries, one with your reading group and one individually.

Please use the LIPICS format and reference other works appropriately.

Reading Group

The reading group summary is a 8-13 page document comprised of four clearly marked sections.

  • [1.5-2.5 pages per member excl. references] Identify four sub-topics and distribute it among the reading group.  Summarize your sub-topic and feel free to supplement with additional material. Also relate your sub-topic to other reading groups.
  • [2-3 pages as a group excl. references] Summarize the reading group as a whole, related different sub-topic as well as your reading group to others.

The sections will be read in order, so you may include back-references.  Avoid duplication of content in particular in the "per member" sections.  The summary should be quasi-self-contained, i.e., a reasonably educated reader should be able to understand it without resorting to reading other papers provided they attended the other reading group talks

Individual Talks

Each participant has to submit a 5-7 page summary excluding references on their topic. You should

  • Briefly introduce the topic of the seminar in general
  • Summarize the main contributions of the paper
  • [~1 page] Relate your paper to your reading group
  • [1-2 pages] Relate and compare your paper to other papers of your choosing.  These may be other individual talk papers including the ones of your own reading group or anything that strikes your interest.  If you want to pick a paper not covered in the seminar and are unsure whether it is appropriate, please contact your advisor.  Papers from one of the reading groups may be permitted, ask your advisor well before submission.

Your summary should be self-contained, i.e., a reasonably educated reader should be able to understand it without consulting of other papers. 

For this summary, there will be a soft and a hard deadline.  The soft deadline provides an opportunity to receive feedback from your advisor before submitting the final version.  You may take advantage of this at your own discretion.

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