
Feedback uploaded

Written on 13.12.2021 20:45 by Sebastian Stich

Dear students,

I have uploaded a brief feedback on your first report on CMS (and added the reports on the google-drive link - for internal use only - please to not share publicly).



Evaluation matrix (based on page 5 of the presentation in the kick-off meeting).

1. Description of the content/main result of the paper.
2. Relation to prior work.
3. Review (comments on strengths and limitations).
4. Additional personal comments (any out of: comments on applications, future directions, judging writing quality, presentation of materials, etc.)

Each criteria is awarded 1-5 points (with the possiblity to gain max. 1 extra point in each category for outstanding performance).
The mapping of points to grades will be communicated later. In any case, a total of 20 (or above) will be mapped to the highest possible grade. 

3 - sufficient (60%)
4 - good (80%)
5 - excellent (100%)


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