
First lecture and lecture location

Written on 15.04.2024 22:27 by Nils Ole Tippenhauer

Dear students in PLS'24,

we will start with the first lecture this Friday at 14.15 (sharp). Lecture location is the lecture hall at CISPA (E9.1 on campus, Stuhlsatzenhaus 5). I will generally also livestream to zoom (link in material collection). As this will be the first lecture, I'll introduce the lecture format and planned content for this year, and will also check with you on preferred content from your side. I plan to record lectures in this class and to put them on Youtube afterwards, but please be aware that those recordings are not guaranteed as they may fail due to various technical issues. Please make sure to attend the lecture!

I also activated the askbot extension, please feel free to use it to ask questions that a) could be answered by other students, or b) can be answered by me and might be of interest for other students.

Hope to see you all on Friday,

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