
Results exercise 5

Written on 22.07.24 by Simeon Hoffmann

Hi all,

the results for exercise 5 are online.

Best regards,


Exerise 6

Written on 09.07.24 by Simeon Hoffmann

Hi all,

exercise 6 is now online.

Best regards,


Exercise 5

Written on 25.06.24 (last change on 01.07.24) by Simeon Hoffmann

Hi all,

exercise 5 is now online, submission is open until July 9th, 23:59.

Edit (1.7.): one question in the quiz was moved from this exercise sheet to the next one. Please checkout the new sheet.

Lab access for Lab 4

Written on 24.06.24 (last change on 25.06.24) by Nils Ole Tippenhauer

Hi all,

If you still plan to do the optional lab part of ex 4, please just contact us directly at or

Gleb will be available in the lab in the following slots: Monday: 10:30 - 17:30, Tuesday: 9:30 - 13:30. I might be there for additional… Read more

Hi all,

If you still plan to do the optional lab part of ex 4, please just contact us directly at or

Gleb will be available in the lab in the following slots: Monday: 10:30 - 17:30, Tuesday: 9:30 - 13:30. I might be there for additional slots.


Edit Simeon: I will be there Tuesday afternoon, so the whole Tuesday (until ~17:30) should be covered.

Exercise 4, Solution exercise 2, general notes

Written on 11.06.24 (last change on 11.06.24) by Simeon Hoffmann

Hi everyone,

exercise 2 is now graded and you should see points/feedback on your profile. Exercise 4 is now online, as well as a solution to exercise 2.

A few general notes: As stated in the tasks, please submit your text in pdf, no other formats like docx. If you are to submit code changes,… Read more

Hi everyone,

exercise 2 is now graded and you should see points/feedback on your profile. Exercise 4 is now online, as well as a solution to exercise 2.

A few general notes: As stated in the tasks, please submit your text in pdf, no other formats like docx. If you are to submit code changes, scripts or similar things, submit the file or the diff (in case you modified existing things). Please avoid pasting multiple screenshots of your code. Also remember to read the exercises carefully and provide the expected files.


Hints for lab 2 released

Written on 04.06.24 by Simeon Hoffmann

Hi everyone,
we received some questions about solutions and hints for task 2 as it helps with solving task 3. While we do not have a full sample solution (yet), we created a document that contains the relevant information to jumpstart your task 3 progress. You can find it here. We hope this helps and… Read more

Hi everyone,
we received some questions about solutions and hints for task 2 as it helps with solving task 3. While we do not have a full sample solution (yet), we created a document that contains the relevant information to jumpstart your task 3 progress. You can find it here. We hope this helps and will provide a full sample solution as soon as possible.


Exercise 3

Written on 28.05.24 by Simeon Hoffmann

Exercise 3 is now online. Submission is open until June 11th, 23:59

Two small reminders:

Submission for exercise 2 is open until tonight, 23:59

There is no lecture this Friday, as Nils is not here.


Exercise submission deadline

Written on 27.05.24 by Nils Ole Tippenhauer

as requested in the last lecture, I changed the submission deadline for the Exercise 2 to tomorrow midnight. Future deadlines will be at midnight as well.

Exercise 2 released

Written on 15.05.24 by Nils Ole Tippenhauer

Dear students,

We released exercise 2 yesterday. This time, there will be an optional in-person part in my lab. Please use the following sheet to coordinate timeslots for that:

The in-person exercise parts will run on shared hardware and will all be located… Read more

Dear students,

We released exercise 2 yesterday. This time, there will be an optional in-person part in my lab. Please use the following sheet to coordinate timeslots for that:

The in-person exercise parts will run on shared hardware and will all be located in room 3.10, building E 9.1. We will try our best to keep them open between 9:30 and 17:00, Mon-Fri, but we cannot give any guarantees that this will always be the case. If there are any issues, post your question in the askbot.

  • These exercises will all provide bonus points (6 in total), thus you are able to score 40/40 without them.
  • It is not possible to score more than 40 total points on the exercises.
  • Follow the instructions closely. There will be exercises that involve sound, and not following the instructions closely may lead to loud, high-pitch noises.
  • Start working early. Only one team at a time can work on this hardware. Allocation is based on a first-come-first-serve principle.
  • Be hygienic. Do not change the provided setup unless explicitly instructed. If you do, restore it to the original setup once you leave.
  • Be nice. Please try to keep your time at the setup to a minimum to allow everyone a chance at the practical exercises

I hope you enjoy the exercises,


Updated Exercise 1 instructions

Written on 04.05.24 by Nils Ole Tippenhauer

Dear students, we updated the instruction sheet for exercise 1. In particular, we fixed the submission date to May 14 as discussed in class. We also added a note on alternative architectures (i.e. M1). If you happen to use that one, please check out Maximilian's suggestions in Askbot. Please raise… Read more

Dear students, we updated the instruction sheet for exercise 1. In particular, we fixed the submission date to May 14 as discussed in class. We also added a note on alternative architectures (i.e. M1). If you happen to use that one, please check out Maximilian's suggestions in Askbot. Please raise other issues there as well if you have any.

Regards, Nils

First lecture and lecture location

Written on 15.04.24 by Nils Ole Tippenhauer

Dear students in PLS'24,

we will start with the first lecture this Friday at 14.15 (sharp). Lecture location is the lecture hall at CISPA (E9.1 on campus, Stuhlsatzenhaus 5). I will generally also livestream to zoom (link in material collection). As this will be the first lecture, I'll introduce… Read more

Dear students in PLS'24,

we will start with the first lecture this Friday at 14.15 (sharp). Lecture location is the lecture hall at CISPA (E9.1 on campus, Stuhlsatzenhaus 5). I will generally also livestream to zoom (link in material collection). As this will be the first lecture, I'll introduce the lecture format and planned content for this year, and will also check with you on preferred content from your side. I plan to record lectures in this class and to put them on Youtube afterwards, but please be aware that those recordings are not guaranteed as they may fail due to various technical issues. Please make sure to attend the lecture!

I also activated the askbot extension, please feel free to use it to ask questions that a) could be answered by other students, or b) can be answered by me and might be of interest for other students.

Hope to see you all on Friday,

Show all

Physical-Layer Security

The lecture will take place every Friday from 14.15-15.45pm, starting April 19. It will be taught by Nils Ole Tippenhauer. Roughly the first half will focus on drones and their security and the second half will focus on general Cyber-Physical Systems/ Industrial Control Systems security. We currently plan to have a mix of interactive lectures via Zoom, and prepared videos. In addition, there will be practical exercises using Linux w/ ArduPilot and other tools.

This lecture is an advanced lecture in Physical-Layer Security. Previous knowledge from CySec1 and CySec2 (or Security) is recommended. While the lecture will touch physical-layer concepts such as (wireless) signals, no background in that area is assumed. The lecture will cover thee main topic areas: attacks (and countermeasures) that leverage physical channels (e.g., side-channel attacks), attacks (and countermeasures) involving control systems (e.g., drones, evasion attacks, monitoring systems), and security for cyber-physical systems (such as industrial control systems).

The lecture will be complemented by 6 exercises. Due to related effort, this course can only accommodate up to 4050 students.

There will be a final written examination with no second backup slot. The exam date is 27.8.24 at 10am in the CISPA Bernd Therre lecture hall (0.05 in E9.1).

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